Note 3— Prompt Engineering for Developer
There probably isn’t a perfect prompt for everything under the sun. It is more important that you have a process for development a good prompt for your specific application — Andrew Ng
Iterative Prompt Development: Find a prompt that works more reliably every single time
Iterative Process:
- Try something
- Analyze where the result does not give what you want
- Clarify instructions, give more time to think
- Refine prompts with a batch of examples
Example: How to iterate and refine your prompt
Ask LLM for a technical fact sheet
Case 1: write product description
After finding the response doesn’t meet the expectation (prolixity), you need to optimize the response (concise):
Case 2: Rewrite the description that aims to different retailers who specialize in different domain
→ the response needs to emphasize on technical details and material-related words
Case 3: Following the previous situation (Case 1, 2), the sheet needs to be added Product ID:
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